Grow your business

AlZamil Heavy Industries LTD. is a privately-owned Saudi Arabian company that supplies a wide range of products and solutions to the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical.


For customers and suppliers, please contact us using the following link:

Head Office

7547 Al Amir Sultan – As Salamah Dist. Jeddah 23437 – 2111,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 (12) 699 2411
E-Mail: [email protected]
View Jeddah Location on Google Maps

Rabigh Workshop

Exit 927 Jeddah – Yanbu Highway Aramco Road,
Rabigh Industrial Zone
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 (12) 290-6039
View Rabigh Location on Google Maps


We’d love to help you find what you’re looking for. Please choose one of the below options to connect with us.


For Sales related enquiries, please contact us
using the following E-Mail Address:
[email protected]


For Supplier related enquiries, please contact us
using the following E-Mail Address:
[email protected]

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Have a pressing question you need answered? We’ll get to you within 24-hours with an answer.